Monday, October 15, 2007

Well, here goes ....

So, yes, I'm a fuck-up. Messed up the one test I HAD to pass. Ex-student is what I now am. Sounds pretty awful - Hell, it IS pretty damn awful. Am I sad? - Yup. Devastated even? - You bet. Have I told anyone? - Well, they'll probably be reading this in the next few hours (Oh, and once you do, don't pepper me with questions please - I'm fucked over enough as it is). Drowning my sorrow in alcohol didn't make reality go away, sadly. Ignoring it didn't help either, so it looks like I actually have to confront this shit.

So - where to, now? - No idea, really, to be honest. I know I can keep myself over water with a combination of poker and my other part time jobs, but that isn't exactly a long term plan. Free-lance translating, maybe? It's an option, but there are enough people who speak English and German well enough already. Not-so-free-lance translating? Same thing, really. Blogging? lol.

So, I guess it'll be resume writing from here on. Wait and see, Dono, just wait and see where you land. Oh, and traveling is on the plan, of course. I might as well see a bit of the world while sending off resumes all over the place. Not as if anyone is interested in a - no use beating around the bush - loser like me, anyway. It'll be me and my trusty guitar against the world then... Oh, and this little blog to keep track of it all. I might be regretful that I have crashed out of university, but I'll be damned if I can't make something out of this life yet. Lets just see how things go.

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